Bone Marrow Biopsy

Bone Marrow Biopsy

In this artice you will get some information about Bone Marrow Biopsy What is Bone Marrow? Bone marrow, a vital tissue housed within bones, serves as the hub for blood cell, platelet, and immune system cell production. Two types of…

Liver Spots?

liver spots

In this artice you will get some information about What is Liver Spots? What is Liver Spots? Liver spots, also known as age spots or sunspots, are common skin blemishes that often develop due to prolonged sun exposure and the…

how long can you live on dialysis

how long can you live on dialysis

In this artice you will get some information about how long can you live on dialysis What is Dialysis? Dialysis stands as a crucial medical procedure, intervening when the kidneys face challenges in optimal functioning. Hemodialysis involves the blood undergoing…

how do dialysis patients die

How Do Dialysis Patients Die

In this artice you will get some information about how do dialysis patients die What is Dialysis? Dialysis stands as a crucial medical procedure, intervening when the kidneys face challenges in optimal functioning. Hemodialysis involves the blood undergoing a cleansing…

Kidney Function Test: 5 Blissful Surprises

Kidney Function Test

In this artice you will get some information about Kidney Function Test. What is Kidney Function Test? Optimal well-being relies on the kidneys’ crucial function of filtering waste, excess fluids, and electrolytes from the blood to create urine. Healthcare experts…

What are the Stages of Kidney Disease (CKD)

stages of kidney disease

Gaining insight into the “Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)1” is a crucial step in enhancing your overall understanding of health. Chronic Kidney Disease is a serious condition characterized by a gradual decline in kidney functions. Often, the symptoms may…

Kidney Infection Symptoms

Kidney infection symptoms

In this artice you will get some information about Kidney Infection Symptoms What is Kidney Infection? Kidney infection, commonly known as pyelonephritis, typically arises as a result of a bacterial infection spreading to the urinary tract. If left untreated, this…